Building Appearance & Design Controls.
Attractive appearance: Each Member has a duty to keep the Property and all improvements on it in an attractive, clean, and well-maintained condition, and will not permit the accumulation of unsightly rubbish, equipment, implements or materials on the Property.
Building standards: All proposed alterations, or new structures, must comply with all applicable standards outlined in the Design Controls, and be approved by the Design Review Board prior to any work commencing.
Building colours: No Member is to alter in any manner whatsoever the colour and exterior appearance of the building erected on the Property except in accordance with the Design Controls and with the written permission of the Design Review Board.
Antennae, satellite dishes and solar collectors: Unless approved by the Design Review Board, no Member may erect or maintain a television or radio receiving or transmitting antenna, satellite dish or similar implement or apparatus, or solar collecting panels or equipment on a Property unless such apparatus is erected and maintained in such a way that it is screened from public view.
All window treatments to be acceptable to the Design Review Board: Any window or door treatments, blinds, louvres, or curtains displayed in public view must comply with the range of treatments listed in the Design Controls, and that are approved by the Design Review Board.
Seasonal decorations: Outdoor seasonal decorations must be in working order and good repair. Decorations will be set up and taken down in accordance with the Design Controls.
Air-conditioning: Any air-conditioning apparatus must be approved by the Design Review Board.
Shall not apply in respect to clothing, bedding or other articles hung on any clothesline installed or erected on the Property in accordance with No clothing, bedding or other articles will be hung on the windows, balconies or on the outside of the Property or its windows. These restrictions, however,
Washing and clothes hanging devices: consent given under clause 18.3 of the Constitution. Refer to the Design Controls for further information.